--3.0 FEATURES!--

I am FINALLY updating this game! I know that barely any of you have played the game or care about it, but I'm hoping that changes.

  • NON-BROKEN Save feature! (In settings)
  • Shop to buy skins! (There is only one skin so far, but there are upcoming skins you will be able to find in the source code.)
  • Fresh, new vector graphics! (Old assets except for the coin will be in the source code.)
  • Public .sb3 to view the source code! (No longer will modding be limited! Add as much content as you want, I don't care unless I don't get any credit.)
  • Revamped mini ship physics! (The turn speed, the thing that affects how fast you're going up, has been lowered to feel more natural.)
  • More? (I might add more content. The update is not fully finished yet. Things that need finished so far are the new vector graphics.

--4.0 FEATURES!--

Here will be a list of features, how likely they are to get into 4.0 and why. This will serve as food after 3.0 has been played to death. Keep in mind, if this game does well, I will keep adding new skins, improvements and bug fixes until 4.0

  • Automatic saving (8/10) Though this feature will not be plausible on scratch, adding saving to the Turbowarp versions of the game will most likely be easy. Using the built-in features on Turbowarp such as locally storing cloud variables will allow me to keep the user's coin count in-tact even when the app/browser-game is closed. There will probably be a "delete save data" button because well, you can tell.
  • More skins (10/10) No explanation needed.
  • Mobile port (0/10) It would be extremely hard to port the game to mobile considering that there is no .apk or .ipa export option despite the fact that TurboWarp translates the code of the game into JavaScript, which was meant for mobile phones. Linux and MacOS are there though, so those probably will be added sometime, maybe even in 3.0.  As of my knowledge, there is no way to obtain the JavaScript version of the source code as saving it as an .sb3 just translates it back into Scratch language. I know that Scratch language is coded in JavaScript(?),  but I do not think it can be turned into an .apk, as it'll probably be an apk of the Scratch editor, or just not work. Even if it were to work, I wouldn't know how to convert it to an .apk. Most likely scenario is a .jar file, which may or may not work on mobile devices, if even support the game at all.

--THE END!--

Phew, that was a LOT of typing. I hope you'll enjoy the new update AND 1.4 when they're out.

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